Builders of Sylvan Dale (EN)

35,95 €
inkl. 22% MwSt. – zzgl. Versandkosten
Sofort versandfertig, Lieferfrist 1-3 Werktage.

Kostenloser Versand ab 45 Euro

Ab 10 Jahre
2 bis 4 Spieler
60 Minuten und länger
November 2024
Achtung! Nicht für Kinder unter 3 Jahren geeignet, da Kleinteile verschluckt werden können. Erstickungsgefahr!

After the Great Disasters, a new chapter in Sylvan Dale’s history has begun. The Elders have called
on you and your fellow architects to design a new woodland realm—a haven perched in the high
embrace of the Great Trees. Guide the builders of Sylvan Dale as they construct dwellings, bridges,
and hanging courtyards.

Builders of Sylvan Dale, designed by Peter Ridgeway, is a unique three-dimensional tile placement
game. Play a card and place a new dwelling on top of the ever-taller trees in the forest. Collect sets
of cards to gain special actions, such as building bridges or magically growing treetops. Get your
dwellings to stand out high on the trees, above those of your rivals, and be forever remembered as
the greatest architect of Sylvan Dale!

The game is played in two rounds. In each round, every player has half of tiles to place on the trees,
trying to gain prestige and collect the highest number of fame points. At the end of each round,
you determine which player has preeminence in each tree and each district into which the board
is divided, and fame points are calculated. The player with the highest total amount of fame points at the end of the scoring phase wins.
Builders of Sylvan Dale is guaranteed to be charming and engaging for all kinds of players, casual and expert gamers alike.

Verlag: Ares Games

Angaben nach GPSR

Ares Games Srl

Via dei Metalmeccanici 16
55041, Capezzano Pianore


Asmodee Germany

Friedrichstr. 47
45128 Essen

Autoren: Peter Ridgeway
Illustratoren: ann&seb


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