Meeples & Monsters (EN)

42,95 €
inkl. 19% MwSt. – zzgl. Versandkosten
Zurzeit nicht lieferbar. Wird nicht mehr nachbestellt.
Ab 13 Jahre
2 bis 4 Spieler
45 bis 60 Minuten
April 2022
Achtung! Nicht für Kinder unter 3 Jahren geeignet, da Kleinteile verschluckt werden können. Erstickungsgefahr!
The peaceful city of Rowan is surrounded by dangerous monsters. It’s up to the citizens to fortify the city, train up warriors, clerics, knights, and mages, and defend Rowan in Meeples & Monsters!
Meeples & Monsters is a big, beautiful bag-building engine builder by designer Ole Steiness (Champions of Midgard and more). Depth, replayability, beautiful components, and a splash of meeple humor will have you coming back for “just one more play” game night after game night!
During a players turn, they draw meeples out their bag and use those meeples to perform various actions on the board. Those actions include upgrading your meeples, adding new meeples to your bag, fighting monsters, investigating towers, or even upgrading the town giving players even more options on future turns. At the end of a player’s turn, all the meeples they drew are put onto the “lodging” part of the player’s board.
During the game, players will score victory points by defeating monsters, completing quests, and investigating towers. At the end of the game, players will score additional victory points by fighting boss monsters and through end of game quests. The player with the most victory points wins!
1 Rulebook
1 City Board
1 Final Encounter Board
2 First Player Tokens
4 Cloth Bags
4 Player Boards
6 Dark Council Bonus Tokens
12 Player Markers
15 Location Tiles
28 Hero Cards
44 Quest Cards
47 Monster Cards
152 Wooden Meeples
Verlag: AEG™
Autoren: Ole Steiness
Illustratoren: Gong Studios


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